3 keys to Restore your relationship
after an affair in just 3 steps
Sign Up for this FREE 3 Part Video Series and discover why this happened, at this time, with this person.
You will hear how to RESTORE respect and trust and to gradually move through forgiveness to letting go and moving on.

My name is Dave Carder, LMFT, and I serve in Fullerton, California. My wife Ronnie and I have been married for 50 years, and we have four adult children and eight grandchildren. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I specialize in the area of adultery recovery and prevention. Because of this, I’ve made appearances as a subject matter expert on The Oprah Network, Discovery Health, and The Learning Channel. I’m also the co-author of Torn Asunder: Recovering from an Extramarital Affair, and I’ve done training for the US Army (Family Life Educators, Chaplains College, pre-deployment training-Ft. Bragg), and the US Navy (Social Workers/MSW, Adultery Recovery).
After spending 35+ years working with couples around the world who are dealing with the pain and consequences of infidelity, I’m here to tell you that there is definitely hope for you.Â
You can clear the air, re-establish transparency and trust, and ultimately restore your relationship if you choose.Â
And I’d like to show you how.